How it all started
Every idea starts with a problem. Ours was simple:
lead generation was broken.
Christine was an up-and-coming real estate agent and successfully selling millions in real estate, but as a savvy businesswoman, she wanted to expand beyond her small database. So, like any sharp, driven agent, she decided to start generating leads.
Easier said than done!
After spending thousands of dollars trying every conventionallead generation system, Christine was left with an empty walletand nothing to show for it. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Promising leads ended-up being sold to multiple agents, hyped-up software failed to perform, and companies using high-pressure sales techniques to lock agents into contracts failed to deliver.
Christine realized that lead generation was broken. But was it beyond repair?
Christine rang-up her son, Danny, and explained her dilemma, knowing he's a marketing whiz, and also that he'll do practically anything for her homemade banana bread. Now, Danny would have agreed to help his mom even without being bribed with his favorite dessert, as he loves a challenge and felt confident he possessed the chops to solve Christine's problem.
So Danny rolled up his sleeves and got to work. Within just a few hours, Danny emerged with an ingenious system to connect real estate agents with homeowners looking to sell. In addition, he came up with an inventive way to fully automate the tedious, follow-up process for greater efficiency.
Danny's revolutionary strategy immediately delivered mind-blowing results for Christine! Danny and Christine decided to let other agents try their system, and just like Christine, they quickly received a consistent stream of solid leads, resulting in connections with homeowners, and more closings than they ever imagined possible.
And that is how BoldLeads was born.
In under two years, this family-run business has gained thousands of satisfied clients, along with an extended family of 26 dedicated employees. Boldleads currently leads the industry as one of the fastest growing companies in real estate marketing.
Boldleads has made lead generation a stress-free, easy breezy, smooth process. The way it should be.
Boldleads looks forward to working with you, and helping your business thrive.
Welcome to the family.
(And stop by for some banana bread if you're in the neighborhood!)